#superleap Sale! Amazing Savings!

Leap into Savings with the Super Leap Sale for February 29(Leap Day) and March 1st (Super Tuesday with 12 presidential primaries or caucuses) I am teaming up with many sellers who will be hosting special discounts on either selected products or their entire store. Be sure to search using #superleap to find some amazing savings.

Since Leap year only comes around every four years, I've decided to make this event extra special. I chose to include my four featured products at a whopping 29% savings. The rest of the products throughout my store will also be discounted at 20% off. My state of Massachusetts will be voting in this all important presidential race. Be sure to get out there and vote. It should be an exciting day and I can't wait to see all the results come in. My hope is that this country will strive forward in a peaceful, prosperous, safe direction.

Freebie Linkup!

Today I'm sharing a Freebie as I am linking up with LiteracyMath Ideas!

Before you shop for more FREEBIES, you can have your students also go Shopping for Syllables. Check out my Freebie here. Also be on the lookout for some FABULOUS things happening on my blog and store COMING SOON! I am glad you stopped by and I hope you will check out my previous post to enter an Amazing Giveaway! You will not want to miss out on this opportunity. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You can link your FRIDAY freebies at LiteracyMath Ideas!

I've teamed up with some  blogger friends and donated one of my products to one of the fantastic prize packages! You can enter to win a huge selection of creative and unique classroom Spring resources for Elementary teachers and or  enter to win the newest Thirty-One Utility Tote Bag Plus and an Amazon $30 gift card!
  Here is the product I donated to inspire your students to write what they know about spring. 

                                             Spring Writing Fun

You can check out this SuperLeap Blog giveaway by visiting the Tidy Teacher's blog. (Giveaways are open now through 11:00pm EST on Monday, February 29, 2016 (LEAP DAY!) Winners will be announced March 1, 2016. Good Luck!

100th Day, Valentine's Day and Last Day Before Winter Break~ OH BOY!

Tomorrow is sure to be an exciting, fun-filled yet exhausting day as our class will be celebrating the 100th day of school, Valentine's Day and getting ready for our week long winter break.  I know for certain the kids will be bubbling over with enthusiasm for this exciting day!  Since we had a couple of snow days recently, our 100th day just kept being pushed back and sure enough it will be taking place tomorrow. Before leaving for school I did my best to prepare myself for this big event. Here are just a few pictures of the centers they will be doing tomorrow.

Students will all receive a 100 dollar bill in which they can draw their own face in the middle and write about what they would do if they received $100.00.  It is always so fun to see the great ideas that they come up with.
Students will cut out the busses as they count by tens and paste in the correct order as the busses lead to the school house.

Students will write and draw to answer the following: I would  love to have 100...  and I would hate to have 100...

This year I decided to make 100th Day necklaces with this great looking badge to decorate rather than 100th day crowns.  With all the excitement happening this week, I just can't imagine going around and measuring heads with constructions paper and stapling 22 crowns on top of each student's  head. I just need to save some time and my sanity.

In the afternoon we will be sorting all of our 100th day collections that the students will be bringing in from home into ten groups of ten. 

I did not forget about Valentine's Day! We have been working on Valentine projects throughout the week.  Student valentine bags are hanging from our white board ledge. Students have been bringing in their cards throughout the week and sorting them on their own into their classmate's Valentine bag. Hopefully, this will safe some time and it will be less chaotic at the last minute. 

Here are just a few pictures of some of the centers students were busy at this week. 

My students just love playing any type of word bingo. Here is one of the Valentine Bingo games they played with a focus on short a, short i and short o.  I also have the students work on a recording sheet to match their bingo card. I just love this idea. Since the bingo cards are all different, students can't copy each other's work as they complete the sheet. You can check out my store for some word bingo games that students will enjoy. I also have one for St. Patrick's Day. 

At the art table students had fun creating animal creatures using hearts. I just put out a bunch of heart stencils in different sizes and cut up construction paper from a variety of colors and I let the students use their imaginations to create these fantastic animal creatures.  

Today for writing I had the students answer the following: I love my family because...
I did explain to the students how all families are different but they do love and care for each and every one of them. I had them think about all the special things their families do for them and explained how appreciative they should be. On Valentine's Day they can show their love and appreciation.  We also discussed how it is important to be loving, helpful and caring throughout the year and not just on holidays.

My students did an awesome with their writing and I think their families will love it!


I am looking forward to the winter break for much needed rest and relaxation. They are predicting some really frigid cold temperatures. I will be so happy to be at home cuddling under my blankets and being able to stay in my soft cuddly pajamas.