Does this picture spark your curiosity and interest? Are you wondering what the #1 top secret is? Did I hook you in to wanting to read this post and know more? Teachers can use their message board or have an enticing picture up on the screen as students walk in the door that will create a buzz and hook them into the lesson that is about to be presented. Today I went to the most amazing presentation and it was by far the best professional development teacher workshop I've attended. Dave Burgess who is the author of "Teach Like A Pirate" came in his full pirate costume and had us all hooked into to his awe inspiring presentation that had the audience of teachers throughout our district fully engaged throughout his presentation.
David was willing to sign a copy of his book after the presentation. |
David's passion and energetic style was fabulous as he presented techniques to engage all students and even these most hard to reach students. The teachers in our district were so lucky to have seen him in live person in order to get the full impact of his enthusiasm, intensity and strong passionate drive as he shared his own personal stories along with ways he made content come alive in his classroom. David spoke about how an engaged student is rarely a behavioral problem. During his presentation he fully engaged the audience as he addressed what the acronym PIRATE stands for and explained in further detail some awesome techniques used in this system.
A-Ask and Analyze
Here are just some of a few quotes and personal notes that I took away from the presentation. I just can't wait to get started on reading the books.
* Safe lessons are mediocrity, be willing to take risks
*Be more concerned about the learning that takes place than the actual performance of your students.
*"Preheat the grill," Add mystery, buzz, and anticipation in order to hook students in.
*Deliver the key core of your instruction during the peak moment of instruction.
* Use props, imagery and music.
* Use storytelling and dramatic buildup that is emotional, powerful and memorable.
*It is not what you do;it is how you do it.
*You can know a lot about your content, but if you do not provide the energy and richness to your lessons, students will not be hooked in.
*Don't just teach a lesson; make and create an experience.
*Make it memorable and come alive!
*We can't just be good teachers; we need to be remarkable!
Here are the two books I purchased. You can find them on Amazon. I can't wait to read more and learn ways to "Take my content and turn it into pirate treasure."
Teach Like a Pirate P is for Pirate
If you have seen David Burgess do a live presentation or have read his books, please comment below and let me know how it has impacted you and your teaching style. I'd love to hear from you.