Building a classroom culture will help set the tone and create a great learning environment. The time you spend building a strong classroom culture during those first few weeks of school will pay off in return throughout the school year. Team building activities get all the students involved and each student feels important as they all share a role in a common goal.
Community-building activities are a great way to foster a positive and supportive classroom environment for young learners. These activities help students get to know one another, develop empathy, and build teamwork skills. Here are some more engaging ideas for community-building activities in the classroom:
- Morning Meetings: Start each day with a brief morning meeting where students can share their thoughts, feelings, and any positive experiences they had.
- Classroom Icebreakers: Start the school year with fun icebreaker activities, such as "Two Truths and a Lie.” In this game, everybody takes a turn saying three statements out loud. Two of them must be facts about yourself or truths, and the third should be a believable lie. The goal of the game is for everybody to pick out which of the statements is the lie. Another fun Icebreaker is "Find Someone Who..." I love the fact that this activity gets students up and moving around. These activities help students learn interesting facts about their classmates and encourage interaction.

- All About Me Collage: Ask each student to create a collage or poster that represents their interests, hobbies, and favorite things. Display these collages around the classroom to help students learn more about their peers.
- Classroom Norms and Values: Involve the students in creating a list of classroom expectations for a peaceful and safe classroom. Discuss how these norms will help create a respectful and inclusive learning environment. It is important to keep it simple. I often have my students sign and display this document.
- Team-Building Games: Incorporate team-building games like "Silent Line Up," "Hula Hoop Pass," or a "Marshmallow Challenge." In order to play "Silent Line Up," students have to line up silently based on facts about themselves, but they need to do it silently. The "Hula Hoop Pass" has students using their bodies to pass the hula hoop down the line as students stand side by side holding hands. In the "Marshmallow Challenge" students will work in teams to try to build the tallest structure using only toothpicks and marshmallows.
themselves and talked about something they liked to do. Once they introduced themselves, they
were asked to hold on tight to the string and choose a friend's name to go next. I let the
students know that they were all an important part of our class and they all needed to work
together as a team. Students were asked to hold on to their piece of string and not pull
on it or let it go. Students were also asked to stay in their same circle space during this
entire activity. We were all relying on each other to make our web happen. It was a fun
way to get to know one another while at the same time we were able to work together as a
class in creating our beautiful web. I had a couple of students who were a little antsy
at this young age. We did manage to get all 22 students involved in this activity and
take a quick picture before dropping the string. Students were really excited with the way
the web looked when it was complete. I was very proud of them and I let them know that
this is the kind of teamwork we will need in order to have a fun, exciting year of learning
These activities encourage cooperation, communication, and problem-solving among students.
- Random Acts of Kindness: Encourage acts of kindness by having a "Kindness Jar" in the classroom. Students can write down acts of kindness they observe or experience, and you can read them aloud periodically. You could also create a bulletin board or decorate your classroom door to display some acts of kindness. One year I decorated my door with "Throw Kindness Like Confetti," and had the students write acts of kindness on post-it notes.
- Buddy Classroom: Connect your classroom with another classroom from a different grade level, school, or area. At my school, my kindergarten students pair up with a third-grade class. First-grade students pair up with fourth grade and second grade pair up with fifth-grade students. Each month we meet and do a special project or buddy reading. You could meet up with students from around the world virtually. Students can exchange letters, emails, or video messages to learn about each other's cultures and experiences.
- Shared Readings or Storytelling: Have students take turns reading books or sharing their favorite stories. This promotes a love for reading and encourages active listening.
- Classroom Jobs: Assign various classroom jobs to students, such as line leader, librarian, or class greeter. Rotating these roles helps students take ownership of their classroom community.
- Classroom Celebrations: Organize celebrations for special events, holidays, or student achievements. This fosters a sense of belonging and creates happy memories.
- Problem-Solving Circles: Hold regular class meetings or circles where students can discuss and solve issues that arise within the classroom. This encourages open communication and conflict-resolution skills.
- Appreciation Notes: Encourage students to write anonymous appreciation notes to their classmates, highlighting their strengths and positive qualities.
- Collaborative Art Projects: Have students work together on a large art project that showcases their creativity and teamwork.
Community Service Projects: Engage students in community service projects, like cleaning up a local park or visiting a nursing home. This teaches empathy and the importance of giving back. Have students write about how they can make a difference with their own two hands. I like to play the song by Ben Harper as they do this activity.
- Cultural Sharing: Encourage students to share their cultural backgrounds and traditions with the class. This promotes respect for diversity and helps students learn from one another.
Remember, the key to successful community building is creating a safe and inclusive environment where all students feel valued and respected. These activities will help you establish strong bonds among your young learners and set the tone for a positive learning experience throughout the year.
Check out this Back to School Community Building Resource for a large variety of worksheets/activities as students get to know each other and build positive relationships.