The rush of the Thanksgiving holidays is over and we're all preparing to head into December. I just finished doing parent teacher conferences before our Thanksgiving break and now I need to prepare for our grades closing and get busy working on report cards. We all have so much on our to do lists and little time for lesson planning and keeping our students involved in high quality activities that will keep them engaged. The month of December can be challenging for students and teachers alike. It is so important that we stick to regular routines as much as possible and keep our students involved in meaningful learning. Save yourself hours and hours of preparation and check out the Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Sale. You can save 28% off in many stores on Monday and Tuesday. Be sure to use the code CYBER2016 to receive maximum savings.
It`s been far too long since I last posted. I have been furiously creating some new products and have been extremely busy keeping up with my own classroom. I now have a new grade level partner to work with and help support as well as a new reading series to get accustomed to. This school year I've decided to improve my students overall writing skills as one of my professional goals for my students. I decided to create classroom collaborative books to display in our class for each month. Students love looking back at them and admiring their peer's work as well. I also put them at a mini table during Parent Teacher Conferences and while parents were waiting in the hallway for their conference, they were able to look at these books. Parents just loved them and I received a lot of positive feedback from them. You can easily measure the gains the students make each month with their writing skills. I also decided to create some Write the Room activities for students to do during literacy center time. Students just love feeling important as they walk around the classroom writing words that relate to a particular topic or theme.
You can check out my newest Collaborative Classroom books and Write the Room activities at my store. I plan on adding many more of these as the school year continues.