Enter To Win TPT Gift Card and Some Freebies from my Store


Are you eager to start off the school year? Nothing excites me more than the promise of a new school year.  To kick off the new school year, I did a giveaway for a $10.00 Teacher's Pay Teachers gift card. You can use this money for the upcoming sale on TPT. You can save up to 25% using the code BTS23. This annual Back to School Sale will be on August 1st and 2nd. 

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This summer I've been working hard at updating my products so they can be used digitally or printed for use within the classroom. You can easily upload these digital files to Google Classroom. The best part is that you can change the directions on the digital overlay to differentiate instruction to best meet the needs of your students. 

As you begin the school year, it is imperative that you build a strong classroom community and discuss ways to make good choices throughout the day. I put together this bundle of products that will help teachers build a community of kindness, responsibility, respect, and acceptance of other people's differences. Students will learn ways to discriminate between good choices vs. poor choices. Your class will also learn to discriminate the difference between tattling and reporting. This is something that can be difficult for students. Students need to learn that it is important to only let the teacher or an adult know something if it is dangerous, destructive, or harmful. We do not tell on others to try to get them in trouble. It is best to try and work out minor issues on your own without adult help whenever possible. Grab the desk incentives to let the students know they are on the right track. Send checklists home with the good choices students have made throughout the day. Let them feel a sense of "shine" as they show it off to their families. 

If you are interested in these products or want the bundle, click here. 

Check out my previous two blog posts to grab some  AWESOME FREEBIES.  Don't miss out on this opportunity! 

Be sure to use the code "BTS23" as you checkout to save up to 25% off.  My entire store will be on sale including all of my BUNDLES. Best of luck with the Rafflecopter Giveaway.  HURRY!!  This giveaway starts at midnight EST on July 31st and ends on August 1st at midnight. Just in time for the BIG Sale on Teachers Pay Teachers. 

 Have An AMAZING School Year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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